Check out the Terminal
As you probably figured out by now, my name is Alex Waller. I am a software engineer and IT professional located in Londonderry NH. I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and give you a little background on my self and this website.

This website is something I am super excited to now have published and will serve as my own personal portfolio and collecition of my work over the years. It will also serve as a blog and a place for me to share some of my latest thoughts, tech tips, and accomplishments.
What Terminal?
I also wanted to right this first blog post for two reasons. One so my blog wasn't blank when I launched my website.. But also so I could draw you attention to the cool little mini project embeded in my site incase you missed it
If you take a look at the home page of this site, right in front of you shouls be a button that says "Start My Terminal". Now if you didn't press this button yet I would suggest you go do so and try it out.
I thought it would be cool, since this is a website about computers and stuff. To have another way for people to interact with my website than the traditional experience.
So basically I took my website and I made a custom terminal version of it you can interact with just like you would any other terminal or command line. Go check it out and let me know what you think!